Tell Us About Your Upcoming Large Group

Please fill out the form below if you are looking to bring more than 10 people to visit THEMUSEUM. If your group is less than 10 people, you will be redirected to the admissions page to purchase general admission. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are looking to bring an education group (including homeschool groups) to THEMUSEUM for a field trip, please fill out our education form here. Any education requests submitted here will be redirected to the education form. 

Contact Information
Group Name (required)
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email (required)

Please note: Any group visit requests outside of our standard operating hours are subjected to additional fees. 

Preferred Event Date (required)
Preferred Start Time (required)
Preferred End Time (required)
Estimated Group Size (required)
Tell us a bit about your group (required)