Planning Pod
Devil's Canyon Brewing Company
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone (required)
Event Name (required)
Event Type (required)
Estimated Headcount (required)
Preferred Event Date (required)
Preferred Start Time (required)
Preferred End Time (required)
In the event our venue is already booked, is your event date flexible? (required)

Will you serve food at your event? If so, will you use one of our recommended caterers and/or food trucks or one of your requested caterers and/or food trucks? (required)

Which beverage service would you like at your event? (20% Service Fee on all Hosted Beverages) (required)

How did you hear about Devil's Canyon Events? Select all that apply: (required)
Do you have a Budget? (Overall, not just venue & drinks) (required)
Would you like to schedule a venue walk-through with a DC Events team member? (required)
Use the space below to mention any other details or ask us any questions before we contact you: