Planning Pod
Public Event Inquiry Form

We’d love to hear all about your event and how we can help make it amazing! Just fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Contact Information
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email (required)
Event Information
Event Name (required)
Event Type (required)
Event Date (required)
Preferred Start Time
Preferred End Time
Estimated Headcount (required)

We are checking for event space and time conflicts! Please select your preferred space and a time frame for your event including event set up and take down.

Which space are you interested in? (required)
Requested Date (required)
Requested Start Time (required)
Requested End Date (if multi-day) (required)
Requested End Time (required)
What is the event entry like?
Are you interested in any additional services?
Please write out 2-3 sentences describing your event! This will help out our marketing team :)
How did you hear about Logan Street Market?